Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Crew & Ship Introduction

Role Playing Blogs always have a weird first Post. I want to introduce the crew but as of now I only have some text descriptions of them, I want to talk about adventures but we only just got the ship. So i'm going to use this post as the foundation of the introduction to the players behind the 'The ol' Boat'.

Please contact me if you would like to add or change the information below.

Financier & Jobs Handler (Greasy Hands)

Rook would look to be one of dem' Blue Blood Types, but underneath his clean exterior lies a greedy, power hungry man looking to have his say in the Verse. No one really knows the full story behind Rook but everyone likes to believe they do.

Pulling money out of nowhere.
Charismatic Charm.
Friends in High Places.
Always Professional.
Quick hands and eyes.

Survivor, Assassin, & Druid

8 was never given a name, she was assigned a number. From the time she was born her organs were already destined to be placed inside another. With enough wit and sheer determination 8 was able to escape her captors watch and find refugee amongst the stars. Being a captive her entire life her social skills and mannor are some times quite odd.

Climbing and Running.
Animal Friends.

Ugly as Sin, Tough as Nails, Badass Motherfucker

Rex used to do... now what did he do exactly- oh right, Rex used to fight... well now fights not right either. Rex did something sometime ago which was enough of something to be noticed by Mr. Rook here. With Rex just looking for money to pay of his debt and nothing else to loose; Rook's offer was mighty fine when the two talked again.

Heavy Tolerance
Tough as Nails
His left and right pistols.